Environmental Club
Welcome to Del Val’s Environmental Club!
In this club, we aim to create a more environmentally conscious school and community through education and participation.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
- The Lorax
Meeting & Event Dates
Welcome to the 2023/2024 Environmental Club!
The club meets on most 1st Thursdays and 3rd Fridays of every month. There are some exceptions, so please make sure you look at the meeting dates below. This year the club will meet during the second half of lunch in C116. We may have to add some after school meetings when there is a larger project going on. If this happens, please be aware that there are no late buses. Students will have to arrange their own transportation.
We hope to see you there!
Meetings Dates:
Thu Sept 19
Thu Oct. 3
Fri Oct. 18
Fri Nov. 22
Thu Dec. 5
Fri Dec. 20
Thu Jan. 2
Fri Jan. 17
Thu Feb 6
Fri Feb. 21
Thu Mar 6
Fri Mar 21
Thu April 3
Thu May 1
Fri May 16
Thu Jun 5
Club Info
Advisor: Mrs. Kapetanakis
President: Taylor Negrin
Vice President: Sadie Erling
Secretary: Josalyn Walker and Erin Dushinka
Treasurer: Wyatt Mendolia
Social Media Coordinators: Manuela De Leao and Safia Colvin-Haque
Events Organizers: Neha Sethi, Daniella Newman
If you’re interested in joining, please email Mrs. Kapetanakis
Check out this article about our club: DVRHS Environmental Club
Club's Point System
We understand that everyone is busy and may not be available to attend all club meetings and events. That is ok. We do not expect you to.
In order to ensure that everyone is doing their share, we have instituted a points system.
If students earn 9+ points throughout the year, they would be considered full club members and be able to add the club on a college application as well as apply for our Environmental Club Scholarship.
Points can be earned by:
Meetings: 0.5 points
Bringing food for meetings: 1 point
Having an officer/coordinator position: 3 points
Participating in after school projects: 1 point
Participation in out of school projects: 2-3 points
It is easy to earn 9 points in our club. We will make sure there are plenty of meetings and events for you to participate in.
Sister's Signature Crafts Farm Fundraiser
We had a blast helping out at the Sister's Mums sale!