
Delaware Valley Regional High School Boosters

The success of our organization and your student's experience depends on you!

Our organization is dedicated to supporting students in all the Performing Arts Programs at Del Val including Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chamber Choir, Show Choir, Color Guard, the Musical, Spring and Fall plays and other ensemble groups. Parental support is essential to making our program a success. We cannot do it without you! 

Below are just some of the ways the DVPAB and our active parent volunteers support the Performing Arts at Del Val:

  • Auditorium Lighting and Soundboard upgrades

  • Choir Music Folios

  • Harness gear, Props, Meals, and Chaperone Support for Marching Band

  • Marching Band Summer Camp in August

  • Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Awards

  • Garment hemming and Award Winning Cosmetics (Theatre, Marching Band, Color Guard)

  • Purchase of new microphones for Theater

  • Purchase of new Drum Major Stands

  • Tech Week Meals for Musicals and Plays

  • Design/build set and prop for plays/musicals/marching band

  • Vox Auri recording session

  • Purchase of drumsticks for Drum Line

If you have a student in any of the extracurricular arts programs at Del Val, or even if you don't, but wish to be involved, you are invited to become a member of this very exciting organization within the Del Val community.   Please complete the membership form to provide us with your contact and background information.  Membership dues for the 2024-2025 school year are $10.00 per person or $15.00 per family. Our membership year runs August through June with monthly meeting TBA.  While anyone can attend our meetings, you must be a paying member to vote.

To become a member, contact us for a membership form and return it to the school’s Main Office, or a Booster officer, in an envelope labeled Performing Arts Booster Club, C/O Membership. Make checks payable to DVPAB. 

Please join us! Come to a meeting, volunteer and support our talented kids!  We look forward to sharing past memories and creating new ones with all our current and new members. 


The Del Val Performing Arts Boosters (DVPAB)